Polycoat-Aquaseal™ 5000 WC/GC is a seamless and joint-free waterproofing system created from a single-component, water-curable, liquid, cold-applied, coal-tar-free, urethane/polyurea roofing and waterproofing membrane system for vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Applied at Any Thickness
Fast Curing
Highly Flexible Over Extreme Temperatures
Labor Saving
Low Odor
Meets the Criteria of ASTM C-836 and E-96
Resistant to Bacteria
User Friendly
Modified Cap Sheets
Between Slabs
Terrazzo and Tile Floors
Foundation Walls
Green Roof Waterproofing
Under Malls, Plazas and Promenade Decks
I.R.M.A. Roofing
Test Report: Aquaseal 5000 WC GC (H) ASTM 836
Test Report: Aquaseal 5000 WC GC (V) ASTM 836
Private Residential Estates - Pool, Beverly Hills
Residential Estates - Roof, Brentwood