Polycoat Products now offers Pre-Pol®, our new line of hot cast TDI based urethane prepolymers for all types of elastomeric applications. These
resins form unusually tough thermoset elastomers when mixed with an appropriate curative. Polycoat Products Pre-Pol®, is a family of high
performance TDI prepolymers in both polyethers and polyester types with hardness ranging from 70A to 75D. We can also blend custom systems
to meet your needs and processing parameters. Our mission is to provide the most state-of-the-art, high quality polyurethane systems
technology to meet or exceed the expectations of our customers in a responsive, efficient and cost-effective manner.
Polycoat Products carries a large variety of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid castable foams for a variety of applications. Our talented team of chemists
are able to formulate foams to meet your exact processing needs and specifications. Polycoat Products has formulated numerous patented
polyurethane systems, with over a thousand proprietary formulations. We can also custom blend systems to meet your specific needs and
processing parameters. Polycoat Products prides itself on our R&D capabilities.
Polycoat Products also offer a variety of TDI/Polyether Prepolymers that are available in hardnesses up to 80D and 85D.
Polycoat Products also manufactures a wide variety of room temperature products that can be processed at 75-85°F and range from 40A to 75D. These materials do not require post cure heat, allowing for simpler and faster processing times. Many of these products can be mixed by hand and/or processed through a variety of machines.
Polycoat Products offers a wide variety of semi-rigid foams that are used in applications where extra stiffness is needed as opposed to flexible foams. Mostly water blown, These materials range between 0.5 to 10 pounds per cubic foot and are used for packaging, movie set and prop design, etc. Also offered are a wide variety of rigid foams, very stiff foams ranging from 3 to 30 pounds per cubic foot. These foams use mostly water or Solstice LBA as a blowing agent and can be used in applications that require a rigid structure, such as doors, furniture, structure floats etc.
Polycoat Products carries a large variety of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid castable foams for a variety of applications. Our talented team of chemists are able to formulate foams to meet your exact processing needs and specifications.
Polycoat Products also offers a variety of FDA approved products, both in MDI polyether and MDI polyester, that are available between 60-90A. Among these includes a full line of Potable water certified resins that range from 85-95A.
Polycoat Products also offers a wide variety of spray elastomers and foams, please contact your local sales Representative for more information.
Polycoat Products has formulated numerous patented polyurethane systems, with over a thousand proprietary formulations. We can also custom blend systems to meet your specific needs and processing parameters. Polycoat Products prides itself on our R&D capabilities.
Systems that provide abrasion, impact resistant and waterproofing solutions for containment areas, linings and more.
Applications include decorative components, ornamental moldings, mirror and picture frames and similar items.
Foams for applications that require a rigid structure, such as doors, furniture, structure floats etc.
Uses include urethane and foam systems meeting a range of hardness, elongation, and temperature specific physical properties. Wide range of applications, commonly used in the manufacturing of skateboard wheels, snowboards, surfboards, jet skis, footballs, helmets, and much more.
Great for rollers and other parts involved in machinery and manufacturing. A better alternative than plastic, rubber and steel because they are formulated to resist high loads, abrasion, solvents, chemicals, water, impact, tearing and temperature extremes.
Uses include void filling, flotation and applications requiring fire-retardant properties. Applications include buoyant apparatuses such as lifeboats, rescue boats, life floats and more.
Uses include filter seals, arm caps, head rests, automotive panels, crossovers/guards, filters, prototyping, car exterior, furniture seat cushioning, automotive and motorcycle seats and a variety of other applications.
Low color
tdsLow color
tdsLow color
tdsLow color
tds500 EW polyether curative. Mainly used with BDO blends.
500 EW polyestercurative. Mainly used with BDO blends.
MOCA/DMF blend used to lower hardness with TDI/ether products.
tdsCurrently used with PC 30-83 for 50A. Current application is couch roll in paper industry. High resilience. Good compression set and tear strength for a low durometer ether. Product separates quickly so it must be mixed thoroughly before adding to prepolymer.
tdsCurative for low durometer, mainly industrial rolls.
Used with PC 40-80 for 70-75A product. 70A TDI/PTMEG ether prepolymers are unstable.
tdsAlso a curative for low durometer rolls. Yields a higher resilient product vs. 90-83.
tdsTP 30 equivalent.
tds88A with BDO. Also used with polyester/BDO blend down to 60A. App-squeegees for silk screen printing, sheets, pallet & caster wheels, custom molding. Excellent solvent resistance and compression set.
Same as above. 8522 is the new and approved version of 6020U. Though this product is still used by some processors.
Custom molding, dead blow hammers.
General purpose 85A. The closest version to MS 242 but not an equivalent.
General purpose 85A. Popular for sheeting and products used in FDA dry food applications.
90A FDA wet food applications. Very difficult to cure with straight BDO. Most processors use BDO/PC 90-25 blend for 87A and lower.
Same as above but 94A with BDO.
85A, high resilience. Skateboard wheels, custom molding. Approved for potable water applications.
90A, same as above except potable water approval.
95A, same as above. Waiting for wet food approval for this product.
This product was design for a customer to have higher hysteresis resistance vs. PC 20-90. Application is bridal rolls for the steel industry. Though most materials used in this application are TDI/ethers.
TDI/polycaprolactone. 60A with MOCA cure. 70A with E 300. Has better tensile and tear strength vs. TDI/ester cured with trifunctional curatives.
A different version of 8070 without PPG additive.
Developed for low durometer formulations 60A and below with trifunctional curatives. Used with plasticizers and filler. Main application is industrial rolls. Better tear strength vs. 6007 technology. Very good durometer stability. If frozen this product will come back to the original durometer at room temperature. Some ester products need to be heated to obtain original durometer.
General purpose applications. Currently used in industrial rolls.
General purpose applications. Currently used in industrial rolls.
General purpose applications. Currently used in industrial rolls.
General purpose applications. Currently used in industrial rolls.
tdsGeneral purpose applications. Currently used in industrial rolls.
Developed for low durometer formulations 60A and below with trifunctional curatives. Used with plasticizers and filler. Main application is industrial rolls. Better tear strength vs. 6007 technology. Very good durometer stability. If frozen this product will come back to the original durometer at room temperature. Some ester products need to be heated to obtain original durometer.
Developed for low durometer formulations 60A and below with trifunctional curatives. Very similar to above. Better solvent resistance vs. 8011. This product is not a direct equivalent to 6007 and needs additional development in R&D.
Longer pot life version to reduce air entrapment in rolls.
tdsHigh resilient 85A. Good for impact abrasion. Custom molding and mining products.
The TDI version of L 100. Developed for use with Caytur systems.
tdsThe TDI version of L 167. Developed for use with Caytur systems. Also used in escalator and elevator wheels.Good dynamics.
75D general purpose material. Difficult to hand batch due to 90 second pot life.
PRE-POL® PC 60-60 is a TDI terminated polyether prepolymer for use in medium performance elastomers, elastomeric coatings and adhesives.
PRE-POL® PC 60-90 is a TDI terminated polyether prepolymer for use in medium performance elastomers, elastomeric coatings and adhesives
High resilient 82A. Good for impact abrasion. Custom molding and mining products.
The 85A version of PC 40-80.
A lower NCO version of PC 40-90.
One of the oldest and most popular general purposes materials in the industry. Custom molding. Low in free isocyanate = .20%. Low viscosity, long pot life.
Customer molding.
Higher NCO version of PC 41-95.
PC 40-90/40-95 blend. Wheel chocks for the Navy.
Customer molding.
A slightly longer pot life vs. PC 30-75D. Used in special application for foam polishing pads.
The PC 18 casting materials are a solid cast two-component urethane system. The PC 18 systems are designed for ease of application and de-mold rates of 15 minutes to 60 minutes depending on gel time.
PC 511-40A-LV is a two-component, low viscosity, flexible polyurethane elastomer.
PC 511-61A is a two-component, low viscosity, flexible polyurethane elastomer.
PC 511-81A is a two-component, low viscosity, flexible polyurethane elastomer.
PC 511-85A is a two-component, low viscosity, flexible polyurethane elastomer.
PC 511-7180A is a two components, and flexible urethane elastomer
PC 512-65A elastomer is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, casting elastomer suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend the gel time on these products allows for casting of extremely large parts.
PC 523-65A-M5 elastomer is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, casting elastomer suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend the gel time on these products allows for casting of extremely large parts.
PC 524-65A elastomer is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, casting elastomer suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend the gel time on these products allows for casting of extremely large parts.
PC 525-65A elastomer is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, casting elastomer suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend the gel time on these products allows for casting of extremely large parts.
The PC 536 Shore A Series Elastomers is two-component, one hundred percent solid, casting elastomers suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend gel time on these products allow for casting of extremely large parts.
PC 536-50A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-60A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-60D is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-60D is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-60D-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-65A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-75A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment
PC 536-80A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment
PC 536-80D-3M is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-88A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-95A elastomer is a two component, one hundred percent solid, polyurethane elastomer designed for use as a general purpose casting material with good physical properties
PC 536-95A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-95A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment
PC 536-95A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 536-95A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment
PC 538-65D is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 538-65D-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 538-65D-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 539-60A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 539-80A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 539-80A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 539-88A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment
PC 546 soft elastomers are two-component, casting elastomers with exceptionally high elongation suitable for many applications. The ability to extend gel times on these products allows for casting extremely large parts.
The PC 561 Shore A Series Elastomers are two-component, one hundred percent solid, casting elastomers suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend gel time on these products allow for casting of extremely large parts. The Shore A Hardness can vary from 30 to 90.
PC 561-70A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 561-80A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 561-80A is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-60ANR-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-68A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-68A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-82ANR-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-82ANR-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-85A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 563-85A-M5 is a two-component, 100% solid Elastomeric Urethane system designed for processing by either hand mix or typical polyurethane dispensing equipment.
PC 756 is a member of a series of polyurethane elastomers designed to perform mechanical functions requiring exceptional toughness under compressive and tensile loading.
PC 6136 soft elastomers are two-component, casting elastomers with exceptionally high elongation suitable for many applications. The ability to extend gel times on these products allows for casting extremely large parts.
PC F71A is a two components, and flexible urethane elastomer.
PCCNO 70D is a solid cast two-component urethane system that is easy to process, is low exotherm and de-molds in 10-15 minutes making rapid production rates possible.
PCF 221-5-Class I is a two-component polyurethane foam system developed for Class I applications with all water blown foam. This system exhibits excellent flowability and dimensional stability for pour-in-place applications such as panel manufacturing
PCF 221-4-Class I is a two-component polyurethane foam system developed for Class I applications with HFO coblown with water foam. The specs specify a foam formed by the reaction of an isocyanate with a polyhydroxy compound (per ASTM C1029-02)
PCF 221-N-6 is a two-component polyurethane foam system developed for Class I applications. This system exhibits excellent flowability and dimensional stability for pour-in-place applications such as panel manufacturing. This product does not contains CFC blowing agent.
PCF 229-N-2 polyurethane, fire retarded, rigid foam systems are designed to meet a variety of requirements without sacrificing product quality. The PCF 229 systems can be formulated in a wide range of densities from 1.8-6.0 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 229-N-2 polyurethane, fire retarded, rigid foam systems are designed to meet a variety of requirements without sacrificing product quality. The PCF 229 systems can be formulated in a wide range of densities from 1.8-6.0 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 229-N-2 polyurethane, fire retarded, rigid foam systems are designed to meet a variety of requirements without sacrificing product quality.
PCF 229-N-2.5 polyurethane, fire retarded, rigid foam systems are designed to meet a variety of requirements without sacrificing product quality. The PCF 229 systems
The PCF 231-6-35S polyurethane, rigid foam system is designed for molding and void filling applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
The PCF 232-N-3-35S polyurethane, rigid foam system is designed taxidermy applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
The PCF 232-N-3.5-35S polyurethane, rigid foam system is designed taxidermy applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 300-4 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 300-4 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 316 is a pour in place polyurethane foam system developed specifically for very high density and strength molded applications. It is available in 2.5 pounds per cubic foot through 40 pounds per cubic foot nominal densities and is designed for ease of application.
PCF 412- is a soft high-resilient flexible foam suitable for all types of molding including furniture seat cushions, automotive and motorcycle seats or other similar applications
PCF 412- is a soft high-resilient flexible foam suitable for all types of molding including furniture seat cushions, automotive and motorcycle seats or other similar applications
PCF 412- is a soft high-resilient flexible foam suitable for all types of molding including furniture seat cushions, automotive and motorcycle seats or other similar applications.
PCF 412- is a soft high-resilient flexible foam suitable for all types of molding including furniture seat cushions, automotive and motorcycle seats or other similar applications
PCF 412- is a soft high-resilient flexible foam suitable for all types of molding including furniture seat cushions, automotive and motorcycle seats or other similar applications.
PCF 415-2.7 is a low density, high-resilient flexible foam. It is very versatile and, depending upon the ratio it is poured at, can offer different levels of foam stiffness to suit any specific application.
The PCF 425-N-10-50S-BLACK polyurethane semiflexible foam system is designed for use in molding flexible foam pieces with a stiff feel.
The PCF 425-4-50S-BLACK polyurethane semi-flexible foam system is designed for use in molding flexible foam pieces with a stiff feel.
The PCF 425 polyurethane semi-flexible foam system is designed for use in molding flexible foam pieces with a stiff feel.
PCF 435-4 is a microcellular hi-load bearing flexible foam suitable a variety of applications. This product does not contain any TDI.
The PCF 437 Series is a two-component polyurethane micro-cellular water-blown flexible foam system designed for high-resilience application
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-4.5 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-5 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-6 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-6 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-7 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-7 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-8 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-8.5 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-10 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-10 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-10 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-20 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131-FR polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-FR-5 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2131-FR polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2131-FR-5 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2134 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2134 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement
PCF 2136 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2136-10 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
PCF 2137 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2137 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement without sacrificing product quality and can be formulated to a wide range of densities from 4 to 25 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 2137 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2137 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement without sacrificing product quality and can be formulated to a wide range of densities from 4 to 25 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 2137 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. PCF 2137 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement without sacrificing product quality and can be formulated to a wide range of densities from 4 25 pounds per cubic foot.
PCF 2151 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 2151-20 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality and can be formulated to a wide range of densities from 3 to 30 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 2221-5-Class I is a two-component polyurethane foam system developed for Class I applications with all water blown foam
The PCF 2228 polyurethane rigid foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality.
The PCF 2356 polyurethane self-skinning, pentaflouropropane blown, flexible foam system is designed for self-skinning applications. The product can be pigmented to match most colors. The PCF 2356 system can be formulated in a range of densities from 8.0 to 15.0 pounds per cubic foot.
The PCF 2412 polyurethane self-skinning, pentane blown, flexible foam system is designed for self-skinning applications. The product can be pigmented to match most colors.
The PCF 2416 polyurethane self-skinning. It is pentane blown foam, flexible foam system is designed for selfskinning applications. The product can be pigmented to match most colors.
The PCF 2416 polyurethane self-skinning, HCF-245fa, 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluopropane blown, flexible foam system is designed for self-skinning applications. The product can be pigmented to match most colors.
PCF 25201-6 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling applications. PCF 25201-6 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements
The PCF 3000 Series polyurethane packaging foam systems are designed for shock absorbing applications. The 3000 series systems can be formulated in a range of densities from 0.4 to 1.0 pounds per cubic foot
PCF 3113-2 systems are all water-blown spray rigid foams designed for void filling applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality.
PCNO 65D is a 100 % solids, no odor solid cast two-component urethane system. It is easy to process, has low exotherm and demolds in 5-8 minutes.
PSE 60A is a two-component polyurea/polyurethane spray elastomer system. This spray system provides excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. PSE 60A is 100% solids and contains no voc’s
PSE 60A is a two-component polyurea/polyurethane spray elastomer system. This spray system provides excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. PSE 60A is 100% solids and contains no voc’s
PSE 70D-SMOOTH-FR is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, sprayable Polyurea-Hybrid elastomeric coating. This product provides a monolithic membrane that exhibits excellent resistance to water, chemicals, and abrasion.
PSE 70D-SMOOTH-FR is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, sprayable polyurethane elastomeric coating. This product provides a monolithic membrane that exhibits excellent resistance to water, chemicals, and abrasion. This FR version is selfextinguishing.
PSE 88A is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating designed to be sprayed through low-pressure spray equipment. PSE 88A is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical abrasion resistance.
PSE 4170A-Silver is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating. PSE 4170A-SILV ER is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical and abrasion resistance.
PSE 4170A-Silver is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating. PSE 4170A-SILV ER is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical and abrasion resistance.
PSE 5101 is a 100% solids, 100% polyurea coating. PSE 5101 is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical and abrasion resistance.
PSE 5101 is a 100% solids, 100% polyurea coating. PSE 5101 is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical and abrasion resistance
PSE 5201 is a 100% solids, 100% polyurea coating. PSE 5201 is an aromatic coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical and abrasion resistance.
PSE-93A is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating. PSE-93A is an aromatic coating designed coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical abrasion resistance.
PSE-95A is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating. PSE-95A is an aromatic coating designed coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical abrasion resistance. P
PSF 312 is an HCFC blown rigid polyurethane spray foam system developed for spas and hot tubs. This system is a UL94 rated. The PSF 312 is available in 2.0 and 5.0 pcf densities.
PSF 315-N-3 is a sprayable polyurethane foam system developed specifically for high temperature applications. It is available in 2.5 pounds per cubic foot through 10 pound per cubic foot densities and is designed for ease of application.
PSF 323-N-4 is a two-component polyurethane spray foam system developed for Class I applications. This system exhibits excellent flow ability and dimensional stability for spray in place applications such as panel manufacturing. This product does not contain HCF blowing agent.
Spray Flexible Foam* is a two component, one hundred percent solids, it is spray able, polyurethane micro cellular foam. It has excellent adhesion and cushioning protection properties. This Spray Flexible Foam* is available in 10 PCF and 20 PCF densities
PSF 2112-2 is a spray rigid foam system designed for ditch break foam applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality
The PSF 3000 Series polyurethane packaging foam systems are designed for shock absorbing applications. The 3000 series systems can be formulated in a range of densities from 0.4 to 1.5 pounds per cubic foot.
The PSF 3000 Series polyurethane packaging foam systems are designed for shock absorbing applications. The 3000 series systems can be formulated in a range of densities from 0.4 to 1.5 pounds per cubic foot.
PSF 3113-3.5 systems are all water-blown spray rigid foams designed for void filling applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality
PSF 3113-3 systems are all water-blown spray rigid foams designed for void filling applications. The product can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirements without sacrificing product quality.
The Polycast Shore A Series Elastomers are two-component, onehundred percent solid elastomers, suitable for many casting applications. The ability to extend the gel time on these products allow for casting of extremely large parts
Polycast 70D is a solid cast two-component urethane system that is easy to process, is low exotherm and de-molds in 3-6 minutes making rapid production rates possible. It is available in Shore D from 55-80 and both tan and white colors.
Polycast C65 is a 100 % solids, no odor solid cast two-component urethane system. It is easy to process, has low exotherm and demolds in 5-8 minutes.
POLYSPRAY 60A is a two-component polyurea/polyurethane spray elastomer system. This spray system provides excellent abrasion and chemical resistance. POLYSPRAY 60A is 100% solids and contains no voc’s.
POLYSPRAY 70D is a two-component, one hundred percent solids, sprayable polyurethane elastomeric coating. This product provides a monolithic membrane that exhibits excellent resistance to water, chemicals, and abrasion.
Polyspray 95A is a 100% solids polyurethane-urea hybrid coating. Polyspray 95A is an aromatic coating designed coating designed to be an elastomeric protective coating for all substrates, providing excellent chemical abrasion resistance.
U1600 polyurethane foam systems are designed for molding and void filling application. U1600 can be designed to meet a variety of reactivity requirement without sacrificing product quality and can be formulated to a wide range of densities from 6 to 20 pounds per cubic foot.
14722 Spring Avenue
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
13827 Carmenita Road, Suite 200
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
2800 Bay Rd
Redwood City, CA 94063
2051/2100 Reliance Parkway
Bedford, TX 76021
3001 East Pioneer Parkway
Arlington, TX 76010
753 Winer Industrial Way Suite F,
Lawrenceville, GA- 30046
12600 Deerfield Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA 30004
11111 Kiley Dr
Huntley, IL 60142
Tel: 562.802.8834
Fax: 562.921.7393
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