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                                                                                       POLY-CAULK  PX27GG
                                                                                               High Solids, Non-Sag,
                                                                              Gun Grade Polyurethane Joint Sealant

            Product Description
            Poly-Caulk  PX27GG (Gun Grade) is a two component, 1:3   Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
            (A:B) ratio by volume, non-sag, high solids polyurethane   Mix Ratio by Volume                    1A : 3B
                                                                  Specific Gravity,
             Features                                             Side-A                                    1.06 + 0.1
                                                                  Side-B                                    1.26 + 0.1
              •  Cured Material Remains Flexible, Even in Cold
                Temperatures                                      Viscosity at 75°F (24°C)               50 ± 20 poise
              •  Flexible                                         Side-B                                    thixotrope
              •  High Solids                                      Pot Life at 75°F (24°C), 50% R.H.     25 ± 5 minutes
              •  Odorless
                                                                  Tack Free Time at 77°F (25°C),          12-24 hours
             Typical Uses                                         50% R.H.
             Poly-Caulk   PX27GG  is  used  on  interior  and  exterior   Cure Time at 75°F (24°C), 50%   36-48 hours
             horizontal concrete surfaces, to repair random cracks,   R.H.
             control joints, and other areas where down time is limited.  Hardness, ASTM D2240          40 ± 5 Shore A
               •  Airports
               •  Bridge Headers                                  Tensile Strength, ASTM D412             300 ± 50 psi
               •  Industrial and Manufacturing Facilities                                                2.1 ± 0.3 MPa
               •  Parking Garage Decks                            Elongation, ASTM D412                     500 ± 50%
               •  Saw/Utility Cuts                                Tear Strength, ASTM D624                  50 ± 5 pli
               •  Spalls                                                                                 8.8 ± 0.8 kNm
               •  Truck Aprons                                    Total Solids by Weight,                    95 ± 2%
                                                                  ASTM D2369
                                                                  Total Solids by Volume,                    94 ± 2%
              1.5-gallon kit  One 1/2 gallon can, net fill 0.375 gallons   ASTM D2697
                              (1.42 liters) of Side-A and         Volatile Organic Component             0.42 lb/gallon
                              One 2 gallon pail, net fill 1.125 gallons                                    50 gm/liter
                              (4.25 liters) of Side-B

                                                                                    Width of Joint
            Concrete Grey                                                    1/4”  3/8”  1/2”  5/8”  3/4”  7/8”  1”
            Coverages and yields shown do not include allowances for    1/4”  308  205   154   123  102    88   77
            loss or waste and variations in job conditions. Each user must
            establish their own factors for loss from experience.       3/8”  205  136   102   82    68    58   51
            Surface Preparation                                         1/2”  154   102   77   61    51    44   38
            Allow concrete to cure 28 days before installation.      Depth of Joint
            All joints must be clean and dry prior to installing Poly-Caulk    5/8”  123  82  61  49  41   35   30
            PX-27GG. If joint is damp, dry with heat torch.
            Remove all dust from the concrete pores prior to installing   3/4”  102  68   51   41    34    29   25
            Poly-Caulk  PX27GG.
                                                                        7/8”  88    58    44   36    29    25   22
            Backer rod should be used in control joints, the recommended
            depth is not greater than 25% of the total depth of the slab.
                                                                         1”   77    51    38   30    25    22   19
            Construction joints are to be filled to full depth using no backer
            rod or silica sand.
            To repair T-joints, the joint should be cut a minimum of 25%
            of the total depth of the slab. The side of the T-joint must be   edge.
            cut 12” (20.4 cm) from the joint and a minimum of 2”(5.08
            cm) deep.                                            Ensure that all joint edges are at 90° angles to grade with no
                                                                 V-grooving or feather edges.
            For random crack and spall repairs, each side of the crack                                     ®
            should be cut to create a minimum 2” (5.08 cm) deep vertical   All surfaces must be primed with Polyprime  2180 or

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                        Section 7.7  |
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