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                                                                                                POLYLINER 700
                                                                                               Phenol Novolac Resin

            Product Description
            Polyliner 700 is a multifunctional phenol novolac resin that   Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
            is extremely chemical resistant with a high heat deflection
            temperature. Polyliner 700 is a thick film novolac lining   Mix Ratio                            3A : 1B
            designed to cure at ambient temperature to provide exceptional
            corrosion protection for surfaces in severe chemical and   Coverage Rate                    1 gal/100 sqft
            physical environments.                                                                          0.4 l/sqm
                                                                   Pot Life at 75°F (24°C), 50% R.H.    30-45 minutes
              •  Acid-based Chemical Resistant
              •  Corrosion Protection                              % Solids Content                           100%
              •  Extremely Hard and Tough
              •  Heavy-Duty Chemical Resistant Protective Lining   Dry Film Thickness per Coat            16 ± 1 mils
              •  Solvent-based Chemical Resistant                                                     406 ± 25 microns

             Typical Uses                                          Hardness, ASTM D-2240                 80 ± 5 Shore D
               •  Containment Wall and Floors Systems
               •  Crude and Storage Tanks                          Specific Gravity,
               •  Food Processing Facilities                       Side A                                   1.39 + 0.1
               •  Internal Tank and Pipe Lining                    Side B                                   1.07 + 0.1
               •  Mining and Milling Industries
               •  Petrochemical Plants                             Total Solids by Weight, ASTM D2369         100%
               •  Power Generating Plants
               •  Pulp and Paper Industry                          Total Solids by Volume, ASTM D2697         100%
               •  Steel Structures and Bridges
                                                                                                             0 lb/gal
               •  Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants            Volatile Organic Compounds              0 gm/liter
                                                                   ASTM D2369-81
             Packaging                                           Carbon Steel: Use SSSP Guidelines for surface preparation.
                                                                 Metal surfaces should have an anchor profile of 3 mils
                                                                 (0.003 microns) or more. If metal substrate has “cavitis” or
               1-gallon kit     One 1 gallon can (net 0.75 gal) of   “indentations” apply primer application coat and back roll to
               (3.78 liter)     Side-A and one 1 quart can (net   completely wet and thoroughly penetrate surface to ensure
                                0.25 gal) of Side-B              all voids and irregularities are filled.
                                                                 For Internal Linings: Abrasive blast to SSSP-SP-5 (White metal)
               4-gallon kit     One 5 gallon pail (net 3 gal) of   to achieve a surface anchor profile of 22-3 mils.
               (15.14 liters)   Side-A and one 1 gallon can (net 1   For Exterior Use: Abrasive blast to SSSP-SP-10 (Near white)
                                gal) of Side-B                   to achieve a surface anchor profile of 12-2 mils.

                                                                 After abrasive blasting, remove all dust or other contaminants
                                                                 by vacuum or dry air blow-down. Abrasive blasted metal
            Color                                                surfaces must be primed as soon as possible, do not allow to
            Grey with High Gloss. Finish may vary due to texture and   remain overnight. If flash rusting occurs it must be removed.
            porosity of substrate.                               Concrete and Masonry: Concrete and masonry to cure at
            Chalking will occur with extended exposure to sunlight.   least 28 days. Surface and substrate must be dry and clean.
            Subject to color change.                             Clean and open surfaces by dry abrasive “brush-off’ blast.
                                                                 All concrete laitance should be removed. “Blow” holes and
            Coverage                                             cavities should be opened in order to properly fill and seal.
            Polyliner 700 may be applied at any rate to achieve desired   Level protrusions and repair cavities, voids, and cracks. Apply
            thickness. Theoretical coverage per gallon is 1600 sqft at 1 mil.  primer application coat and back roll to completely wet and
                                                                 thoroughly penetrate surface to ensure that all irregularities
            Surface Preparation                                  are filled and sealed.
            In general, coating performance is directly proportional to
            surface preparation. All surfaces must be clean, dry and free   Remove all contaminants and deteriorated concrete. Brush
            of oil, grease, wax, dirt, chalk, salts and other contaminants.   blast to achieve roughed surface sufficient to remove laitance
            Round off sharp edges and rough welds. Burrs and weld   or surface hard-face. Vacuum all concrete surface prior to
            spatter should be completely removed.                application of primer. All cracks, rock pockets and voids must
                                                                 be filled with non-shrink grout, and sanded. Concrete must

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                        Section 9.3  |
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