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                                                                                            POLYEURO  LP-12
                                                               Two Component Modified Polyurea Protective Coating

            Product Description
            Polyeuro  LP-12 is a two component, 1:2, 100% solids, fast   Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
            set, liquid applied, modified polyurea liner system for metal,   Mix Ratio by Volume              1A : 2B
            concrete, fiberglass and wood surfaces.
                                                                  Pot Life @ 75ºF (24ºC)                 12-16-Seconds
             Features                                             Tack Free Time (150 mils thickness)    40-60 Seconds
              •  Abrasion and Impact Resistant                    Recoat Time                              6 - 12 hours
              •  Chemical Resistance                              Viscosity at 150-160°F (66.5-71°C)
              •  High Build                                       Side-A                                   700-900 cps
                                                                                                           700-900 cps
              •  Low Pressure Application
              •  Low Temperature Flexibility                      Density (Side-A & Side-B Combined)        9.2 lbs/gal
              •  Quick Drying                                     Flash Point                           > 200°F (93.3°C)
              •  Seamless                                         Hardness, ASTM D2240                   90 ± 3 Shore A
              •  Tough and Elastomeric                            Tensile Strength, ASTM D412*           1300 ± 200 psi
                                                                                                        8.96 ± 1.38 MPa
             Typical Uses
                                                                  Elongation, ASTM D412*                  200% ± 50%
              •  Boat Linings                                     Tear Strength, ASTM D624*                175 ± 25 pli
              •  Cargo Holds                                                                            30.7 ± 4.38 kNm
              •  Cargo Liners                                     Service Temperature Dry                -20ºF to 200ºF
              •  Encapsulation of Fiberglass Bodies, Horse Trailers                                        -29ºC - 93ºC
              •  Mold Castings                                    NOTE: Above physicals are from lab drawn films. Actual spray physicals may vary.
              •  Truck Bed Surfaces
              •  Utility Vehicles                                and other contaminants. When coating substrates previously
              •  Waterproof Decking                              used, it is important to consider the possibility of substrate
                                                                 absorption, which may affect the adhesion of the coating
             Packaging                                           system, regardless of the surface preparation. Polycoat
                                                                 recognizes the potential for unique substrates from one project
              15-gallon kit   5 gallons (18.9 liters) Side-A and 10   to another. The following information is for general reference,
                              gallons (37.8 liters) Side-B       and for project-specific questions, contact Polycoat.

                                                                 NEW AND OLD CONCRETE
              150-gallon kit  50 gallons (189 liters) Side-A and 100   Refer to SSPC-SP13/NACE 6, or ICRI 03732: CSP 3-5.  New
                              gallons (378 liters) Side-B
                                                                 concrete must be cured for 28 days prior to product applica-
                                                                 tion. Surface must be clean, dry, sound and offer sufficient
            Colors                                               profile for product adhesion. Remove all dust, dirt, oil, form
            Clear/Neutral or Black. Custom colors are available upon   release agents, curing compounds, salts, efflorescence,
            request. Color packs, when used, must be added to Side-B.  laitance and other foreign matter by shotblasting and/or
                                                                 suitable chemical means, in accordance with local chemical
            Due to its aromatic composition, Polyeuro  LP-12 will tend to   regulations. Rinse thoroughly, to achieve a pH between 8.0 and
            yellow or darken in color after exposure to UV light. Polyeuro ®   11.0. Allow to dry completely. If old concrete has a surface that
            LP-12 may be topcoated within twelve hours of application   has deteriorated to an unacceptably rough surface, Polycoat
            with an aliphatic polyurethane/polyurea coating for a colorfast   Products PC-260 or a mixture of Polyprime 21 and sand should
            finish.                                              be used as a repair agent for cracks, spalls, bug holes and
            Coverage                                             voids.  Upon full cure of the repair agent, prime the entire
            Polyeuro LP-12 may be applied at any rate to achieve desired   surface intended for coating.
            thickness.  Theoretical coverage for 1 mil (0.254 microns)   CONCRETE SURFACE PREPARATION REFERENCE
            thickness is one gallon per 1600 sqft (3.78 liters per 149 sqm).  ASTM D4258 - Standard practice for cleaning concrete
            Estimating Formula: (1600 sqft per gal /Dry Mil Thickness) x   ASTM D4259 - Standard practice for abrading concrete
            Solids Content = Application Rate per gallon.        ASTM D4260 - Standard practice for etching concrete
                                                                 ASTM F1869 - Standard test method for measuring moisture vapor
            Surface Preparation                                                  emission rate of concrete
            In general, coating performance and adhesion are directly   ICRI 03732 - Concrete surface preparation
            proportional to surface preparation. Most failures in the
            performance of surface coatings can be attributed to poor   WOOD
                                                                 All wood should be clean, dry and free of any knots, splinters,
            surface preparation. Polyurea coatings rely on the structural   oil, grease or other contaminants.  Splintered or rough areas
            strength of the substrate to which they are applied. All sur-  should be sanded.  Knots should be repaired using Polycoat
            faces must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, rust, corrosion
                                                                 Products PC-260 with sand.  Upon full cure of the repair agent,

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                        Section 6.9  |
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