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Surface Preparation                                   Allow to dry minimum of 12 hours before recoat.
        CHECK THE CONCRETE                                    Storage
        Concrete must be structurally sound and free of curing   This product has a maximum shelf life of one year when stored
        membrane, paint or other sealer. If you suspect that the   off the ground in a dry area at 50º to 110ºF, in the original
        concrete has been previously sealed, call Polycoat Products   sealed container.
        technical support for further instructions.
        CHECK FOR MOISTURE                                    Clean-up mixing station, tools and application equipment
        Concrete must be dry before application of this floor coating   immediately after completion. Use suitable solvent as
        material. Concrete moisture testing must occur. Calcium   specified by Polycoat Products’ Technical Services Team or
        chloride testing or “In-situ” relative humidity testing is   if permissible by law, xylene, as a general over-the-counter
        recommended. Test methods can be purchased at www.astm.  solvent. Observe all fire hazards, legal, and health and safety
        org, see ASTM F1869-11 or F2170-11, respectively or follow   precautions when handling or storing solvents, particularly
        manufacturer’s instructions. Readings must be below the   in confined spaces. Make sure the working area is well
        defined threshold as specified for each Polycoat Products   ventilated at all times during application and curing times.
        system to be installed directly to the concrete substrate.   Dispose all excess materials, packaging, and other waste in
        Please refer to the appropriate Technical Data Sheet for this   accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
        CHECK THE TEMPERATURE & HUMIDITY                      Maintenance
        Floor temperature and materials should be between 65°F   Occasionally inspect the installed floor by spot cleaning and
        (18°C) and 90°F (32°C). Humidity must be less than 95%. DO   spot repairing any damaged or cracked areas. To prolong
        NOT coat unless floor temperature is more than (5ºF) over   the life of the flooring system, a daily cleaning maintenance
        the dew point.                                        program is highly recommended to ensure the floor is safe
                                                              for its intended purpose.
        Requires ICRI CSP 3                                   First Aid
                                                              Warning! Eye and skin irritant. May cause dermatitis and
        This product requires proper surface profile to perform as   sensitization. In case of contact: Avoid contact with eyes, skin
        expected. Substrate must be mechanically profiled (ASTM   or clothing. Avoid breathing vapor, mist or spray. Use with
        4259-83), clean, sound, and dry.                      good ventilation.
        Mixing                                                Eyes: Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes.
        The temperature of the (A) and (B) portions should be between   Skin: Immediately remove from skin with dry cloth followed
        70ºF and 80ºF (20º-25ºC).  Mix them separately to ensure a   by thorough washing with soap and water.
        uniform consistency.  For a 3 gallon kit add (Side-B) into
        (Side-A) in a 3.5 gallon bucket.  Mix contents thoroughly until   Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give
        all components are completely incorporated and no streaking   oxygen.
        is observed.  Thinning is not recommended.  The portions of   Ingestion:  Immediately call a Poison Center/Doctor. Do NOT
        each side is accurately measured to ensure optimum product   induce vomiting.  If vomiting occurs naturally, lie on your side,
        performance.  Pouring from one container to the other (boxing)   in the recovery position.
        during mixing is very helpful in ensuring complete mixing.
        Mix for 2 minutes.                                    Limitations
                                                              This product is best suited for application in temperatures
        Application                                           between 60°F and 90°F.  Do not use to grout coat over
        APPLICATION EQUIPMENT                                 aggregate.  [Certain colors appear white when scratched such
        Tools: 3” Disposable brush, low speed drill (450 rpm) with a   as blue based.] Higher temperatures will result in faster dry
        3.5” Jiffler blade, 3/8” nap non-shedding phenolic core roller,   times and/or poor workability. Color may vary due to batch-
        and flat rubber squeegee.                             to-batch variation, especially in higher temperature. Do not
                                                              apply over ponding water. Always read and understand the
        ROLL ON                                               specific product data guide and SDS sheets before using this
        After mixing all contents as instructed, immediately pour   product. For more information contact Polycoat Products.
        out into a ribbon on the surface. Squeegee the material out
        evenly and check for desired film thickness by using a wet-film   USE PRODUCT AS DIRECTED. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF
        thickness gauge. Back-rolling and then cross rolling is critical.   CHILDREN.
        Limited Warranty: Please read all information in the General Guidelines, Technical Data Sheets, Guide Specifications and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) before applying material. These
        products are for professional use only and preferably applied by professionals who have prior experience with the Polycoat Products materials or have undergone training in application
        of Polycoat Products materials. Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice. Contact your local Polycoat Products representative or visit our website for
        current technical data, instructions, and project specific recommendations.
        Polycoat Products warrants its products to be free of manufacturing defects and that they will meet Polycoat Products’ current published physical properties. Seller’s and manufacturer’s
        sole responsibility shall be to replace that portion of the product which proves to be defective. There are no other warranties by Polycoat Products of any nature whatsoever expressed or
        implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose in connection with this product. Polycoat Products shall not be liable for damages of any sort, including
        remote or consequential damages resulting from any claimed breach of any warranty whether expressed or implied. Polycoat Products shall not be responsible for use of this product in a
        manner to infringe on any patent held by others. In addition, no warranty or guarantee is being issued with respect to appearance, color, fading, chalking, staining, shrinkage, peeling, normal
        wear and tear or improper application by the applicator. Damage caused by abuse, neglect and lack of proper maintenance, acts of nature and/or physical movement of the substrate or
        structural defects are also excluded from the limited warranty. Polycoat Products reserves the right to conduct performance tests on any material claimed to be defective prior to any repairs
        by owner, general contractor, or applicator.
        Disclaimer: All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on information and tests we believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and
        completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own information and
        test, to determine suitability of the product for his own intended use, application and job situation and user assumes all risk and liability resulting from his use of the product. We do not suggest
        or guarantee that any hazard listed herein are the only ones which may exist. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any injury, loss or damage directly
        or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product. Recommendations or statements, whether in writing or oral, other than those contained herein shall not be binding upon the
        manufacturer, unless in writing and signed by a corporate officer of the manufacturer. Technical and application information is provided for the purpose of establishing a general profile of the
        material and proper application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled environment and Polycoat Products makes no claim that these tests or any other tests
        accurately represent all environments. Polycoat Products is not responsible for typographical errors. © 2021 Polycoat Products. All rights reserved. Revision 20211118.EA

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                           Section 5.7  |
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