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P. 96

                                                                                          METAL PRIMER 130
                                                                                                    Two Component,
                                                                                          Polyurethane Metal Primer

            Product Description
            Metal Primer 130 is a two component, liquid applied, urea   Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
            polyurethane primer. Polycoat Products manufactures
            products in different VOCs ranging from 100 to 340 gms/liter   Coverage Rate               1 gal/300 sqft
            to comply with VOC requirement in various regions. Make                                       0.14 l/sqm
            sure to use the correct grade of product which complies with
                                                                                                          3 ± 1 mils
            VOC regulations/requirements applicable as per federal, state,   Dry Film Thickness per   76 ± 25 microns
            statutory, counties, cities and local bodies at the place of   Coat
            installation. This product is NOT for sale in California or any
            location where a VOC of 360 gms/liters is not acceptable.  Mixing Ratio by Volume               1A : 3B

             Features                                              Pot Life at 75ºF (24ºC),               20-30 min
                                                                   50% RH
              •  Low Odor
              •  Quick Drying                                      Hardness, ASTM D2240               70 ± 5 Shore D
             Typical Uses
                                                                   Specific Gravity,
               •  Glass Reinforced Plastics                        Side-A                                 1.06 ± 0.1
               •  Metal                                            Side-B                                 1.47 ± 0.1
               •  Polyurethane Elastomeric Surfaces
                                                                   Total Solids by Weight,                  75 ± 3%
                                                                   ASTM D2369
                                                                   Total Solids by Volume,                  62 ± 3%
              1-Gallon Kit            One - 1 quart can of Side-A
                                      Clear Liquid, net 0.25 gallon   ASTM D2697
                                      (0.95 liters) and Three - 1
                                      quart cans of Side-B Off     Viscosity at 75°F (24°C)            500 ± 200 cps
                                      White Liquid, net 0.25 gallon   Side-A & Side B
                                      (0.95 liters) each can       Combined                           2500 ± 500 cps

              4-Gallon Kit            One - 1 gallon can of Side-A   Volatile Organic
                                      Clear Liquid, net 1 gallon   Compounds,                               3 lb/gal
                                      (3.78 liters) and One - 5    ASTM D2369-81                       360 gm/liters
                                      gallon pail of Side-B Off-
                                      White Liquid, net 3 gallon
                                      (11.34 liters)

            Color                                                combined components should be thoroughly mixed using a
            Side-A: Clear, Side-B: Off-White                     mechanical mixer at slow speed or for at least 5 minutes if
                                                                 mixed by hand. Do not mix in an up and down motion.
            The approximate coverage is 1 gallon/300 sqft (0.14 l/sqm).   Application
            Coverage rate will depend on surface roughness and porosity.  Metal Primer 130 should be applied at the rate of 1 gallon/300
                                                                 sqft (0.14  l/sqm) (mixture of Side-A & Side-B).  It can be applied
            Surface Preparation                                  using an airless sprayer, brush, or phenolic resin core roller.
            Remove all contaminant, oil and grease from substrate. Refer
            to General Guidelines for complete information.      Allow Metal Primer 130 to become nearly tack free before
                                                                 applying the coating. Recommended surface temperature
            Mixing                                               should be greater than 50°F (10°C). If Metal Primer 130 is
            Metal Primer 130 may not be diluted under any circumstance.   allowed to dry completely, reprime the surface before
            The volume mixing ratio: 1 part Side-A to 3 parts Side-B   proceeding.
            (1A:3B). Metal Primer 130 Side-B should be thoroughly mixed
            prior to combining to ensure a homogeneous material. The   Metal Primer 130 is very sensitive to heat and moisture. Higher

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                        Section 5.1  |
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