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P. 90

                                                                                    POLYCOAT-AQUATIGHT             ™

        minutes. Bridge the joints, cracks, and flashings with 4” (10  Limitations and Requirements
        cm) Straight Jacket Tape pushing it into the paste with a trowel.   The following conditions must not be coated with Polycoat Products coating
        Over Straight Jacket Tape apply a stripe coat of the PC-440SF   systems or products: Concrete over an unvented metal pan, magnesite,
        and PC-50 mixture and taper it onto the adjacent surface.   lightweight concrete, asphalt surfaces and asphalt overlays. Concrete must
        Allow the surface to cure for up to 6 to 8 hours.     exhibit 3000-psi minimum strength. Concrete surfaces to be coated must be
                                                              trowel finished in compliance with the American Concrete Institute (except that
        PHASE 2:                                              hand troweling is not required), followed by a fine hair brooming, left free of
        Prime the surface with Polyprime  21 at a rate of 1 gallon   loose particles, and shall be without ridges, projections, voids and concrete
        (mixture of Side-A & Side-B)/300 sqft (0.14 liters/m²) or 300   droppings that would be mechanically detrimental to coating application or
        sqft/gallon. Apply using a brush or phenolic core roller. This will   function. New concrete and masonry must be cured for 28 days. Concrete
        result in 5 dry mils (125 microns) of coating. Allow Polyprime®   cleaning (see General Guidelines). The only acceptable grade of plywood is
        to become tack free before proceeding to Phase 3.     APA rated exterior grade or better. The appearance and physical characteristics
                                                              of the plywood and grade should be considered. Plywood should be new or
                                                              cleaned and sanded (see general guidelines). Coating should be applied at least
        PHASE 3:
        Apply a mixture of PC-440SF to the substrate at a rate of 3   5°F (3°C) above the dew point.
        gallons/100 sqft (1.23 liters/sqm or 33 sqft/gallon. Do not mix   Coverage rates recommended are based on lab conditions, applied at 75°F
        more material than can be used in 20 minutes. For best results,   (24°C) ambient temperature and are intended to be minimum coverage rates
        apply using a notched trowel or squeegee. A phenolic core   on clean, smooth plywood, and are exclusive of additional amounts needed
        roller may be used but extra care should be taken to prevent   to fill potholes, spallings, scalling, rough and irregular surfaces. Porosity and
        air bubbles. Spread PC-440SF evenly over the entire surface   roughness of the substrate, aggregate size, and product temperature will
        resulting in a 48 ± 2 dry mils (1066± 51 microns) membrane.   affect coverage rates.  Material mil thickness rates are calculated on theoretical
        Allow PC-440SF to cure before proceeding to Phase 4. PC-50   coverage for a smooth substrate and do not account for the actual texture or
        must be added to the PC-440 at a ratio of 1 quart PC-50 to 5   substrate conditions in the field or at the time of application. Sample mockups on
        gallons PC-440.                                       the projects are recommended to determine the exact coverage rates necessary
                                                              to waterproof the deck to acceptable standards.
        PHASE 4:                                              Equipment should be cleaned with a urethane grade environmentally safe
        Apply a second coat of PC-440SF at a rate of 1 1/2 gallons/100 sqft   solvent, as permitted under local regulations, immediately after use. Uncured
        (0.62 liters/sqm) or 66 sqft/gallon, spread evenly over the entire   materials are sensitive to heat and moisture. The substrate must be structurally
        surface, resulting in a 24 ± 2 dry mils (610 ± 51 microns) membrane.  sound and sloped for proper drainage. Polycoat Products assumes no liability
                                                              for substrate defects. Field visits by Polycoat Products personnel are for the
        PHASE 5:                                              purpose of making technical recommendations only and are not to supervise
        Broadcast washed, dry, angular sand, heavy, 16 grit (1.18 mm)   or provide quality control on the job site.
        or larger aggregate into the final coat of PC-440SF until refusal.
        Allow the membrane to cure, remove the excess aggregate,   Warning
        and apply a thin set mortar when ready for tile installation.  The products in this system contain Isocyanates, Aromatic Hydrocarbons,
                                                              Curatives and Solvents.
        When utilizing a mortar bed over the Polycoat-Aquatight™
        waterproofing system, allow the completed membrane to cure
        prior to installation of the float. A water test can be conducted
        after 24 hours.

        When applied as directed, the Polycoat-Aquatightç
        waterproofing system will provide 72 dry mils (1829 microns),
        exclusive of fabric, of superior waterproofing protection.
        Requires a continuous coating application to minimize lines
        and/or streaking. Any optional adhesion test is to be performed
        seven days after product application.

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                           Section 4.2  |
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