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                                                                       POLY-I-GARD™ 575FR UNDER TILE

            The Poly-I-Gard™575FR Under Tile waterproofing system   Technical Data
            is a solvent-free, liquid applied, high solids, aromatic
            polyurethane, waterproofing membrane. The system utilizes   Below Tile,          ICC-ES Evaluated
            an epoxy-polyamine primer, two coats of a solvent free   Waterproof Membrane
            aromatic polyurethane polyurea coating and a heavy grit sand   System            72 Dry Mils, Solvent Free, Low
            aggregate. The Poly-I-Gard™575FR Under Tile waterproofing                        Odor
            system is a specialized application of a polyurethane coating                           ®
            as a waterproof underlayment for ceramic tile. The system is   Primer            Polyprime  2180SC
            durable and will protect surfaces against spalling and freeze/
            thaw damage. It is an elastomeric system designed to expand   Base Coat          PC-260
            and contract with normal structural movements. The system
            will neither soften in heat nor embrittle in cold. The Poly-I-  Properties, Test Method, Requirements: US Results
            Gard™575FR Under Tile waterproofing system has a wide
            range of application uses and, installed properly will ensure   Summary of  Test Report Conducted by QAI Laboratories on the
            years of service.
                                                                   Poly-I-Gard 575FR Under Tile  Waterproofing System
             Features                 Typical Usage
                                                                   Fungus, ASTM C836-89, No Mold Growth, Section 4.1: No growth
              •  Durable                •  Kitchens
              •  Economical             •  Restrooms               Seam Strength, Section 4.2, ASTM D751, 16 lbs/2in. width:
              •  Elastomeric            •  Saunas                  29.4 lbs/2 in. width
              •  Low Odor               •  Shower Pans
              •  Solvent Free           •  Steam Rooms             Breaking Strength, ASTM D752-1989, Section 4.3, 170 psi: 385 psi
              •  Waterproofing

            Approvals, Codes & Testing                             Dimensional Stability, ASTM D-1204, Section 4.1, 0.7% max.:
              •  ASTM C482                                         +158°F Long. 0.12%, Trans. 0.11%: -15°F Long. -0.11%, Trans.
              •  ASTM C836                                         -0.082%
              •  ASTM D1204
              •  ASTM D4068                                        Waterproofness, ASTM D-4068, Annex A2, Section 4.1, No water
              •  ASTM D751                                         penetration, (24 inch water head): No water penetration
              •  ASTM D752
              •  ICC-ES Report ESR-2785                            Shear Strength, ASTM C-482, Section 9.12, 50 psi: 7-day, 100 psi
                                                                   (Control); Water Immersion: 7-day, 59 psi: 4-week, 72 psi; 12-week,
                                                                   60 psi; 100-day, 54 psi
            Product Instructions
            For complete information associated with the application of
            all Polycoat Products decking systems and products, refer   Packaging
            to the General Guidelines and Technical Data Sheets of the
            Polycoat Products catalog, which describes the products,   Polyprime  2180SC     2-gallon kit: One gallon pail,
            surface preparation, job conditions, finishing details and other                 net fill 2 gallons (7.57 liters)
                                                                                             of Side-A and One 1 gallon
            necessary information.                                                           (3.78 liter) can of Side-B or
                                                                                             15-gallon kit: Two 5 gallon
            Application                                                                      (18.9 liter) pails of Side-A
            PHASE 1:                                                                         and One 5 gallon (18.9 liter)
            Check area of application to ensure it conforms to substrate                     pail of Side-B
            requirements. Prime all joints, cracks, and flashings with
            Polyprime  2180SC. Apply a two-part paste consisting of PC-  PC-440SF            5 gallon (18.9 liters) pail
            440SF and PC-50 over all joints, cracks and flashing. Mixing                     or 55 gallon drum net 50
            ratio is ½ pint of PC-50 to 1 gallon of PC-440SF (0.24 liters per                gallons (189 liters)
            3.78 liters) or 1 quart PC-50 to 5 gallons of PC-440SF (0.9 liters
            per 18.9 liters). Do not mix more material than can be used

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                           Section 3.8  |
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