Page 173 - Catalogs
P. 173
A Single Component, Water Curable, Liquid,
Cold Applied Reinforced Roofing and Waterproofing Membrane System
Product Description Features
Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000 WC/GC is a seamless and joint
free waterproofing system created from a single component, • Applied at Any Thickness
water curable liquid applied, coal tar free, urethane/polyurea • Economical
roofing and waterproofing membrane system for vertical
and horizontal surfaces. The coating may be applied in the • Fast Curing
field from 30 to 2500 mils (0.076 -6.35 cm) in one application • Highly Flexible Over Extreme Temperatures
while supplying simultaneous curing throughout the coating.
The system may be applied as one or two applications of • Labor Saving
Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000 WC/GC when heavily reinforced
with Tie-Tex 326 Fabric. The System is capable of correcting • Low Odor
negative slope, filling pond areas and creating moderate • Meets the Criteria of ASTM C836 and E96
positive slope to drain. Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000 GC (Green
Concrete) is available in horizontal (GC-H), vertical (GC-V), or • Resistant to Bacteria
spray gun (GC-SG). • User Friendly
Color Typical Uses
• Basements • Modified Cap Sheets
Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000 WC/GC System should yield a • Between Slabs • Planters
minimum 60 mils (1524 microns) thickness in one or two • Bridges • Terrazzo and Tile Floors
coats without fabric. Systems with a total of 100 mils (0.25
cm) with the Tie-Tex 326 Fabric will require 45 mils (0.11 cm) of • Foundation Walls • Tunnels
base membrane and 45 mils (0.11 cm) of topcoat membrane. • Green Roof • Under Malls, Plazas and
Systems with a total of 150 mils (0.38 cm) will require a base Waterproofing Promenade Decks
membrane of 70 mils (0.18 cm) and a topcoat membrane • I.R.M.A. Roofing
of 70 mils (0.18 cm) with the Tie-Tex 326 Fabric sandwiched
between coats.
Surface Preparation PACKAGING
Refer to General Guidelines for complete information.
Joints, Cracks and Flashing:
5-Gallon 5 gallon (18.9 liter) pail
Apply a stripe coat of Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000 WC/GC over
all cracks up to 1/16” (1.58 mm) width. All cracks over 1/16” 55-Gallon 55 gallon drum, net fill 50 gallons (189
(1.58 mm) width must be caulked with a polyurethane sealant. liters)
Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film) Polycoat-Aquaseal 5000WC (100 VOC) Properties
5000WC 5000WC GC-H 5000WC GC-V 5000WC GC-SG
Hardness, ASTM D2240 30 ± 5 Shore A 30 ± 5 Shore A 30 ± 5 Shore A 30 ± 5 Shore A
Tear Resistance, Die C, ASTM D624 70 ± 20 pli 80 ± 15 pli 100 ± 15 pli 100 ± 20 pli
9.3 ± 2.6 kN/m 14 ± 2.6 kN/m 17.5 ± 2.6 kN/m 17.5 ± 2.6 kN/m
Tensile Strength, ASTM D412 350 ± 50 psi 350 ± 50 psi 350 ± 50 psi 350 ± 50 psi
2.41 ± 0.3 MPa 2.41 ± 0.3 MPa 2.41 ± 0.3 MPa 2.41 ± 0.3 MPa
Ultimate Elongation, ASTM D412 500 ± 50% 550 ± 50% 550 ± 50% 550 ± 50%
Specific Gravity 1.20 ± 0.1 1.20 ± 0.3 1.19 ± 0.1 1.18 ± 0.3
Total Solids by Weight, ASTM D2369 95 ± 3% 96 ± 3% 96 ± 3% 89 ± 3%
Total Solids by Volume, ASTM D2697 94 ± 3% 85 ± 3% 85 ± 3% 88 ± 3%
Viscosity at 80°F (27°C) 3000 ± 1500 cps 3500 ± 1000 cps 30,000 ± 5000 cps 17,000 ± 5000 cps
Volatile Organic Compounds, ASTM D2369-81 <0.42 lb/gal, <0.42 lb/gal, <0.42 lb/gal, <0.42 lb/gal,
<50 gm/liter <50 gm/liter <50 gm/liter <50 gm/liter
Service Temperature -25°F to 150°F -25°F to 150°F -25°F to 150°F -25°F to 150°F
-31.7°C to 65°C -31.7°C to 65°C -31.7°C to 65°C -31.7°C to 65°C
POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834 | FAX 562.921.7363 Section 4.4 |