Page 142 - Catalogs
P. 142
Fire Rated, Aliphatic Polyurethane Topcoat
Product Description
Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC is an aliphatic, two Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
component, liquid applied, moisture cured, polyurethane
coating. Polycoat Products manufactures products in different Polyglaze Polyglaze Polyglaze
VOC’s ranging from 100 to 340 gms/liter to comply with VOC 400FR 400FR-C 400FR-SC
requirements in various regions. Make sure to use the right (340 VOC) (250 VOC) (100 VOC)
grade of product which complies with VOC regulations/
requirements applicable as per federal, state, statutory, Coverage 1 gal/100 sqft 1 gal/100 sqft 1 gal/100 sqft
counties, cities and local bodies at the place of installation. Rate 0.41 l/sqm 0.41 l/sqm 0.41 l/sqm
Dry Film 11 ± 2 mils 11 ± 2 mils 13 ± 2 mils
• Durable Thickness 279 ± 50 279 ± 50 330 ± 50
per Coat microns microns microns
• Fire Retardant
• UV Resistant for Gloss Retention Hardness, 95 ± 5 Shore A 95 ± 5 Shore A 95 ± 5 Shore A
ASTM D2240
Typical Uses
• Concrete Specific 1.36 ± 0.1 1.42 ± 0.1 1.49 ± 0.1
• Heavy Pedestrian Traffic
• Plywood Total Solids 79 ± 2% 79 ± 2% 82 ± 2%
by Weight,
• Vehicular Traffic ASTM D2369
Packaging Total Solids 68 ± 2% 71 ± 2% 77 ± 2%
by Volume,
1-Gallon 1 gallon (3.78 liters) can ASTM D2697
5-Gallon 5 gallon (18.9 liters) pail Viscosity at 2400 ± 500 cps 2700 ± 500 cps 3500 ± 500 cps
75°F (24°C)
55-Gallon 55 gallon drum, net fill 50 gallons (189
liters) Volatile 2.33 lb/gal 1.67 lb/gal 0.71 lb/gal
Organic 280 gm/liters 200 gm/liters 85 gm/liters
For Polyglaze™ 400FR (340 VOC): Tan Step 1: Mix the Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Liquid
For Polyglaze™ 400FR-C (250 VOC): Tan, Dolphin Grey, and using a mechanical mixer at slow speed until a homogeneous
Tint-White. Tint-White with color packs are available in Stone mixture and color is attained. Use caution not to whip air
Grey, Battleship Grey, Indian Sand, and Ash Brown. into the material as this may result in pinhole blisters and/
or shortened pot life. Do not mix in an up and down motion.
For Polyglaze™ 400FR-SC (100 VOC): Tan, Dolphin Grey, and
Tint-White. Tint-White with color packs are available in Stone Step 2: Remove plastic bag of Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-
Grey, Dolphin Grey, Battleship Grey, Tan, Indian Sand and C/400FR-SC Side-A Powder from the 6 gallon (22.68 liter)
Ash Brown. pail and set aside. Fill this empty container half full with the
pre-mixed Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-B Liquid.
Custom colors are also available. Minimum order of 250 Slowly add Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-A
gallons (945 liters). See color chart for special provisions. Powder, mixing with mechanical mixer.
Contact Polycoat Products for more information. For pre-
tinted standard color other than stock color, a minimum of Ensure that all powder is transferred from the bag to the
150 gallons (567 liters) is required. container. Continue mixing until no lumps are present, again
being careful not to entrap air in the mixture.
The approximate coverage is 1 gallon/100 sqft (0.41 l/sqm). Step 3: When Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-A
Coverage rate will depend on surface roughness and porosity. Powder has been thoroughly blended into Polyglaze™
400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-B Liquid add the rest of
Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-B Liquid. Mix with
Mixing mechanical mixer until uniform mixture is attained. Mixed
The volume mixing ratio is 1 part Polyglaze™ 400FR/400FR- material must be used within 2-4 hours of mixing the two
C/400FR-SC Side-A Powder to 5 parts of Polyglaze™ components.
400FR/400FR-C/400FR-SC Side-B Liquid.
POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834 | FAX 562.921.7363 Section 7.4 |