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            considerable damage if set on an unprotected foot. The sole   inclusive. Common sense and care in evaluating the possibility
            should be of a soft, resilient material to give the best traction   of hazards is essential.
            without damaging coated areas. Use extreme caution when   Nothing contained herein should supersede local laws, codes,
            working on sloped areas. Use lifelines. Wet coatings are very   ordinances or regulations.
                                                                 The standards and regulations published by the Occupa tional
            When working in bright sun with light colored coating, wear   Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of
            dark glasses to prevent glare blindness.             Labor, EPA and local statutory authorities, where applicable,
                                                                 should be consulted for further detail and compliance.
            PROPERTY PRECAUTIONS                                 CONFINED SPACES AND TANKS
            Consider possible damage to property. Overspray can ruin   This type of application poses greater dangers. Use extreme
            finishes on autos and other surfaces (brick, paint, plastic, etc.).   caution. Isolate, vent, drain, wash and purge systems or
            Solvent vapors in confined areas can be harmful to plants   equipment before maintenance or repair. Remove all ignition
            and pets. Foods, even those stored in freezers, can pick up a   sources. Check atmosphere for explosiveness and oxygen
            solvent taste and should be protected from vapors.   deficiencies. Use adequate personal protective equipment.
            STORAGE                                              Observe precautions pertaining to confined space entry.
            Moisture reacts with isocyanates to produce carbon dioxide.   Confined space “Entry Permit” may be required, check
            Do not breathe the vapors. Store in tightly closed containers   with OSHA, EPA and other local regulatory agencies before
            to prevent moisture contamination.                   proceeding.
            Keep product in a cool, dry, ventilated storage area, in closed   Section 2: Job Conditions
            containers and out of direct sunlight. Store in containers above   Construction work such as expansion joints, control joints,
            ground and surrounded by dikes to contain spills or leaks.
                                                                 drains, ducts and other penetrations should be completed
            All material should be stored in a cool, shaded place, preferably   prior to the coating application.
            at a temperature of 65°F (18°C). Higher storage temperatures   Surfaces must be thoroughly dried to ensure adhe sion of all
            for extended periods can cause thickening and even gelation   primers and coatings. When in doubt, test for moisture with
            of elastomeric coatings. Water-borne coatings should not be   a moisture meter or 16-hour mat test (ASTM D-4263).
            allowed to freeze.
                                                                 Dirt or dust that settles on sur faces before start of work or
            When opening containers, check them first for any signs of   between coats must be removed.
            expansion, which can occur due to pressure build up resulting
            from moisture reaction. Open containers carefully, pointing   Surface and ambient temperature are very important to
            them away from face and body to prevent expulsion of   optimize curing.  Ice, frost, or condensation may be present
            material.                                            on surfaces less than 50°F (10°C).  Application of some coatings
                                                                 can be done at lower temperatures provided the surface is free
            Whenever work is stopped for the day, all coatings and   of moisture. Do not apply coating if dew point is within 5°F
            thinners should be stored in tightly sealed factory containers   (3°C) of surface temperatures, as at that temperature surface
            to minimize evaporation and fire hazard. Materials left on   condensation of moisture is possible.  The ideal conditions
            unsupervised job sites may attract the curious or the malicious.   for curing are 75°F (24°C) ambient temperature and 50%
            Protect your materials properly and avoid potential harm to   relative humidity.  Do not apply products when the ambient
                                                                 or substrate temperature is rising.  See temperature limitations
            Do not keep open containers in confined places.      listed in product data sheets.
            Protect water-based emulsion coatings from freezing.  Job specifications require that surfaces be acceptable to
            Containers, even those that have been emptied, may contain   the coating applicator prior to start of work. Substrates
            dangerous and explosive vapors. Do not cut, drill, grind, weld   that are not structurally sound or that do not meet the
            or perform similar operations on or near containers. Do not   specification requirements for surface finish or condition
            pressurize containers to empty them. In the event that thinners   should not be accepted. Correction of surface defects is the
            and/or solvents are used for clean up or dilution, consult   general contractor’s responsi bility. Reviewing specification
            the safety data sheet (SDS) for that particular product for   requirements with the general con tractor before the substrate
            additional health and safety information.            is constructed will mini mize problems at the time of acceptance.
            The above information is based on standard industrial practices   Any optional adhesion test should be performed seven days
            and is meant to outline the hazards, and is not necessarily all-  after product application.

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                           Section 1.2  |
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