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                                                                                            POLYGLAZE™ 611
                                                                                     Aromatic Polyurethane Topcoat

            Product Description
            Polyglaze™611 is a versatile, multi-purpose aromatic single-  Technical Data (Based on Draw Down Film)
            component, moisture-cure, liquid polyurethane coating
            designed for use as a top coat or for repair work on a variety   Coverage Rate            1.0 gal/100 sqft
            of mature roof systems: spray polyurethane foam, single-ply,                                  0.41L/sqm
            metal, built up roofs, and concrete.
            Features                                               Wet Film Thickness                       16 mils
            Polyglaze™611 provides a host of advantages. It is quick,   (1.0 gal/ 100 sq)                    (406 μ)
            easy to apply, and saves on labor cost. As a maintenance
            coating, it can be used to coat an entire roof system, to   Hardness, ASTM D2240          80 ± 2 Shore A
            make spot repairs, or to provide additional protection when
            integrated with a reinforcement fabric. As with other Polycoat   Tear Resistance, Die C ASTM   200 ± 20 lbs/in
            coatings, Polyglaze™611 provides exceptional resistance to   D624                           35 ± 3.5kn/m
            chemicals, acids, oils, and other pollutants, all of which can
            affect (Please contact Polycoat’s technical department for a
            list of chemicals). Polyglaze™611 is a remarkably durable,   Tensile Strength, ASTM D412  1550 ± 200 psi
            high performance urethane coating that will protect and                                 10.68 ± 1.38 MPa
            reduce the surface temperature of a roof, helping to reduce
            surface temperatures of buildings and alleviate stress on HVAC   Elongation, ASTM D412     400% ± 100%
            systems. Polyglaze™611 provides a cost-effective, cost-saving,
            eco-friendly approach of extending the life of an existing roof
            system.                                                Specifc Gravity                         1.26 ± 0.2
            Typical Uses                                           Total Solids by Weight, ASTM             91 ± 2%
            Polyglaze™611 can be applied to aged or cured single-ply,   D2369
            metal, spray polyurethane foam, built-up roofs and concrete
            roof systems either as part of a complete cool roof restoration
            system or as part of a maintenance or repair program. All   Total Solids by Volume, ASTM        90 ± 2%
            Polycoat products are to be used and applied with reference
            to and in conjunction with Polycoat‘s Guidelines and
            Specifications. Polyglaze™611 being aromatic in nature and   Viscosity at 77°F (25°C)    5000 - 7000 cps
            as such, will discolor and chalk in UV exposure.
                                                                   Volatile Organic Compounds,            .40 lbs/gal
             Packaging                                             ASTM D2369-81                              48g/L
              1-Gallon        1 gallon (3.78 liters) can           Reflectivity                                 .90

              5-Gallon        5 gallon (18.9 liters) pail          Emissivity                                   .79
              55-Gallon       55 gallon drum, net fill 50 gallons (189
                                                                 Prior to coating any surface, be sure the coating will adhere
            Colors                                               by performing an adhesion test (ASTM D903). Coating may
            White                                                be applied by brush, roller, or airless spray equipment. Do
            Mixing                                               not apply when temperatures are below 40°F (4.4°C) or
            Review all technical data sheets, system sheets, labels,   when precipitation is in the forecast within 48 hours. Spray
            instructions, and SDS, before mixing and applying. Mix 5   application is not recommended below 50°F (10°C). In areas
            gallon (18.93 L) pails with a variable speed drill utilizing a   where the roof is subject to foot traffic, it is recommended to
            jiffy mixer to suspend any settled pigments until a uniform   apply walkway pads for added protection and aggregates for
            color and consistency is achieved. Mixing time will vary based   slip resistance. Under certain circumstances, primer may be
            on temperature and atmospheric conditions. Boxing of the   required prior to Polyglaze™611 application; please contact
            material is recommended. Use caution not to whip air into the   Polycoat’s technical department.
            material as this may result in pinhole blisters and/or shortened
            pot life. Do not mix in an up and down motion.

        POLYCOAT PRODUCTS TEL 562.802.8834  |  FAX 562.921.7363                                          Section 7.15  |
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