Page 111 - Catalogs
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1. Premix each component. Polyprime  H2O, Side-B is dark   by a broom sweep and vacuum, prior to reapplication of
            olive in color and may appear black in the container.   Polyprime  H2O.
            Polyprime  H2O Side-A is light amber in color.    Limitations
          2. Add 0.28 gallons of Polyprime  H2O, Side-A to the 0.35   •  Product must be protected from freezing. If frozen, discard.
            gallons of Side-B in the short filled Part-B pail.  •  To avoid dew point conditions and prolonged cure during
          3. Mix thoroughly with a low speed (300-500 rpm) drill with   application, relative humidity must be no more than 85%
            Jiffy paddle for a minimum of 3 minutes. The mixture will   and substrate temperature must be at least 5°F (3°C)
            appear light olive green color.                      above measured dew point temperatures.
          4. Slowly add 0.35 gallons of potable water to fill the gallon   •  Minimum ambient and substrate temperature during
            can under agitation.                                 application and curing of material is 41°F (5°C); maximum
          5. Mix for a minimum of 2 additional minutes until the   is 90°F (32°C). Frequent monitoring of ambient and
            mixture is fully dispersed. Fully dispersed material will   substrate temperature should always be done when
            appear yellow to white in color.                     applying epoxy primers. Note that low temperatures will

        NOTE: The order that the Polyprime  H2O components are mixed is   slow down the cure, and high temperatures will accelerate
        critical to the performance of this products. Failure to mix properly   it.
        may result in an incomplete cure, despite a dry appearance.  •  Do not apply on substrates with moisture greater than
        Application                                              4% by weight, measured by a Tramex CME or CMEExpert
        Apply with flat squeegee or roller at the recommended rate.   type concrete moister meter.
        Allow for sufficient wetting of the slab and back-roll, utilizing   •  Do not apply on substrate surfaces where moisture
        a 1/4” or 3/8” nap roller to eliminate puddles on the surface   vapor transmission will occur during application and
        of the slab. Minimize the overlap from batch to batch or bead-  cure. This condition may be checked using ASTM D-4263
        to-bead applications while achieving complete slab coverage,   (Polyethylene Sheet method).
        as these areas of overlap may not bond.                •  Substrate must be dry prior to application. Do not apply
        Removal                                                  to a frosted, wet or damp surface. Allow sufficient time
        Remove wet primer with MEK, xylene, or oxygenated solvents.   for the substrate to dry after rain or inclement weather,
        Once cured, primer can only be removed by mechanical     as there is the potential for bonding problems.
        means. Strictly follow solvent manufacturer’s warnings and   Warning
        instructions for use.                                 Polyprime   H2O Side-A Resin contains - IRRITANT, SENSITIZER.
                                                              Contains epoxy resins. Eye irritant. May cause skin/respiratory
        Storage                                               irritation. Prolonged and/or repeated contact with skin may
        Polyprime  H2O has a shelf life of 2 years from date of   cause allergic reaction/sensitization. Deliberate concentration
        manufacture in original, factory-sealed containers when stored   of vapors for purposes of inhalation is harmful and can be
        indoors at a temperature between 60-95°F (15-35°C).
        Over Painting                                         Harmful if swallowed. Strictly follow all use, handling and
        Polyprime H2O has a recoat window of up to 48 hours. Do not   storage instructions.
        apply a second coat of Polyprime  H2O, as it will not properly
        bond. There is no need for additional mechanical or chemical   Polyprime  H2O Side-B Hardener contains CORROSIVE,
        preparation of the Polyprime  H2O prior to the installation   SENSITIZER, IRRITANT. Contains amines (mixture). Contact
        of the topcoat, if recoated within the recoat window, and the   with skin and eyes causes severe burns. Respiratory irritant.
        Polyprime  H2O has not been exposed to foot or vehicular   May cause eye/skin irritation. Possible skin sensitization/
        traffic or similar. If the recoat window is missed (48 hours) the   allergic reaction with prolonged or repeated exposure.
        surface requires grinding or screening with 80-grit, followed   Harmful if swallowed. Deliberate concentration of vapors for
                                                              purposes of inhalation is harmful and can be fatal.
        Limited Warranty: Please read all information in the General Guidelines, Technical Data Sheets, Guide Specifications and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) before applying material. These
        products are for professional use only and preferably applied by professionals who have prior experience with the Polycoat Products materials or have undergone training in application
        of Polycoat Products materials. Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice. Contact your local Polycoat Products representative or visit our website for
        current technical data, instructions, and project specific recommendations.
        Polycoat Products warrants its products to be free of manufacturing defects and that they will meet Polycoat Products’ current published physical properties. Seller’s and manufacturer’s
        sole responsibility shall be to replace that portion of the product which proves to be defective. There are no other warranties by Polycoat Products of any nature whatsoever expressed or
        implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose in connection with this product. Polycoat Products shall not be liable for damages of any sort, including
        remote or consequential damages resulting from any claimed breach of any warranty whether expressed or implied. Polycoat Products shall not be responsible for use of this product in a
        manner to infringe on any patent held by others. In addition, no warranty or guarantee is being issued with respect to appearance, color, fading, chalking, staining, shrinkage, peeling, normal
        wear and tear or improper application by the applicator. Damage caused by abuse, neglect and lack of proper maintenance, acts of nature and/or physical movement of the substrate or
        structural defects are also excluded from the limited warranty. Polycoat Products reserves the right to conduct performance tests on any material claimed to be defective prior to any repairs
        by owner, general contractor, or applicator.
        Disclaimer: All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on information and tests we believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and
        completeness of said tests are not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. It is the user’s responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own information and
        test, to determine suitability of the product for his own intended use, application and job situation and user assumes all risk and liability resulting from his use of the product. We do not suggest
        or guarantee that any hazard listed herein are the only ones which may exist. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any injury, loss or damage directly
        or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product. Recommendations or statements, whether in writing or oral, other than those contained herein shall not be binding upon the
        manufacturer, unless in writing and signed by a corporate officer of the manufacturer. Technical and application information is provided for the purpose of establishing a general profile of the
        material and proper application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled environment and Polycoat Products makes no claim that these tests or any other tests
        accurately represent all environments. Polycoat Products is not responsible for typographical errors. © 2020 Polycoat Products. All rights reserved. Revision 20200402.EA

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